My pace this morning never rose to ‘strong’, nor my stride to ‘limber’, but in my own stiff, sluggish way I made a steady two-mile run, and that’s fine with me. (I don’t usually encounter other runners going the same directions as I, but this morning I was passed by two young, vigorous serious runners, so you may detect a slightly defensive note in my observation. Well, so it goes.)
I had a long meeting toward midday with the wardens. Since the Team Rector is retiring, and the Team Vicar already works [more than] full time, and the other Associate Priest has a very strictly limited Working Agreement, it seems as if I’m the point of most flexibility. We talked over what functions I might serve during the interregnum, which tasks I might pick up, how my time for things I already do might be constricted, and so on. There will be much learned, I think — I hope — and it will be more interesting than I had hoped my part-time gig would be, but here’s where I am and this is what I do, so I’ll just buckle my seat belt and steer as steady a course as I can, and see what the end of this particular road looks like.