What Resuming Means

Two good miles this morning, slow to warm up but satisfyingly springy once I got limber; cup of coffee, Morning Prayer, and shower; now, coffee in town, editing service booklets, and beginning work toward Wednesday’s homily. I got tired of using my Church of England comprehensive liturgical-year planner as a diary (too bulky and heavy by far); I’ll buy one for my desk, I suppose, but for next year I’ll carry a Leuchtturm1917 A5 Weekly Diary to keep track of my appointments. It’s a bit of a relief to have taken that step; the big CoE one was a real anchor.

No holidays till late November, by which time the rector will have well and truly retired. (I do have a retreat timetabled for early October, a bit late for my yearly obligation but still within the window). But from now, summer is effectively over and work will define the shape of my days…

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