Both of the last two mornings have made the occasion for good runs. Yesterday my legs started out with that heavy, loggy feeling, but gradually relaxed and brought me home at a decent pace. This morning I limbered up more quickly, and wound up running the whole two miles at a very good pace. This means, of course, that tomorrow I’ll stagger along, perhaps tweaking my wobbly knees, breathing with desperate gasps; but the good days are good news, and I’m happy to bear with the bad days as preparation for the good.
Still busy — yesterday I had a catch-up meeting in Oxford and learned more about my Oriel teaching for the year. As I was leaving, I dawdled to chat with a falconer in First Quad, brought in to Send A Message to the pigeons and crows that beset our lovely buildings with nests, droppings, and other minor (but cumulative) avian vandalism.
Wedding rehearsal, then home to work on wedding homily, then walk the ladies, then collapse in a heap ahead of today’s busyness. Morning Prayer, wedding, and then at last some clear space… to work on Sunday’s homily.