
Jennifer gave Margaret and me tickets to see Bruce Springsteen as our 25th anniversary present, and the excitement is beginning to get to me. We’ll see the show in New York on Thursday the 18th, I think. I haven’t seen him live 1980 or so, when Margaret and Matt O’Riley and I saw the show in Cleveland. I’ve been scouting the set lists for the shows he’s played so far, and to my intense delight he’s been playing “Thundercrack” among the encores — I can hardly wait. I’m not staking my enjoyment of the evening on any particular song, but I take it as a good sign that he’s harking back to his very earliest material for this tour. Thank you, Jennifer!

By the way, the type design for the Magic album sure looks a lot like Hatch Show Print typography to me. If Hatch didn’t design it, the designer must’ve had that look in mind.