A Million Pageviews…
Well, not pageviews, but image views: apparently my Flickr feed is closing in on a million views, which strikes me as weird in a number of ways. Most obviously, although I catch a striking image from time to time, that’s mostly by virtue of taking a lot of photos — I’m not a great photographer, and even less a consistently good photographer. And I don’t take cat pictures, I rarely post from Flickr to Twitter or Facebook (or Mastodon now), so most of these views have come from within Twitter.
Second, a million is a large number. I can’t really conceptualise a million anythings, so it’s no wonder that many image views makes my mind reel.
Third, I gather that Flickr is currently on the rebound (at long last given the care and nurture it deserves after a couple of unsatisfactory corporate moves. Well done, Flickr! And maybe sometime some of these new users will look into my feed, or even an old user checking back in for nostalgic purposes. Barring an extraordinary viral popularity, I reckon sometime around March…