Seasons Change And So Must I

The temperature wasn’t especially cool this morning, but it was humid and breezy, so that I did well to wear my hoodie on my morning run. My legs limbered up moderately soon, and it was a good run on the whole. Then coffee, shower, Morning Prayer, breakfast with Margaret in town (during which I puzzled over Wrede), home for lunch and dog care, soon back to church for a meeting, then home for the day, ideally to hammer down some loose boards on the essay I owe….

By Title 3

Didn’t run this morning cos (a) it was raining on and off and (b) I didn’t sleep well. Coffee, sermon-polishing, showered and dressed, early for 10:30 Mass at St Helen’s, then home for a relaxed afternoon with maybe some glimpses at Wrede.

Slow Morning Run

I had a difficult time shifting out of low gear this morning after having taken yesterday morning off. I didn’t get loose till I was nearly home. Nonetheless, I felt moderately limber after about the last half mile, and I ran a moderate, steady pace. Coffee, hot breakfast, and alternate work on Wrede and on my homily. As it turns out, I have a related sermon in the files that I could have repurposed, but in the end I decided to stick with the start I made this year.

Margaret arrives home from the Society for the Study of Christian Ethics this afternoon, and I will turn right away to the parish centre for a meeting on baptismal/confirmation instruction. Once home I will take an easy evening.

Slow Morning

I had a wee lie-in this morning, partly because I did actually sleep till after 6:30, and partly because it was rainy when I got up — not actively raining, but threatening to rain at any minute (and it did indeed rain a bit later in the morning). So I had my cup of coffee, pondered Wrede’s ‘Die Biblische Kritik innerhalb des Theologischen Studium’ (of course I did, because I have to compose a sermon for Sunday and finish an essay for publication as soon as humanly possible), showered, and put out the bins before Morning Prayer. After that I walked to the town square for a cup of coffee and to protect some unwary patron of Java from eating one of their cinnamon rolls. Then off to home with stops for a nine-volt battery, groceries, and a stop at the church office to check phone messages. I tell you, the excitement never stops around here.

OK, So Three

I’ve had three good runs in a row — strong and steady, but I feel knackered when I get back. Hearty breakfast, Morning Prayer, lots of church work. Keeping busy, trying to remember to blog every day. Or every third day, anyway.

Back in Glasgow, I had a wonderful conversation with Simon Dürr, one of whose projects is to translate William Wrede’s essays from Vorträge und Studien; that includes ‘Die biblische Kritik innerhalb des theologischen Studiums’, an essay I used in my thesis. I’ve gone back to the translation I made for myself to see how it compares to Simon’s translation. Wrede was a brilliant reader of the New Testament, but he was a resolutely modern reader.

Pardon Me, Friend

Is it already in September? I remember thinking September was weeks away. Could I have been that wrong?

I had a very good run this morning after having not run yesterday; I had the 8:00 service, and didn’t have enough time (I estimated) to run, cool down, shower, get to St Nic’s, etc. before the service. As things went, the service was fine, and I joined Margaret, David, and Marlies for the 10:30 at St Helen’s. We then decamped to the town square for a leisurely and tasty brunch, then home for David and Marlies to pack and head in to Oxford. So when morning came today, I was well-rested; I limbered up quickly in the 18°, 100% humidity air, and ran to a comfortable, somewhat ambitious pace. Coffee, fruit, shower, Morning Prayer (in church again, yay!), and I’m about to tackle some correspondence after writing a squib for this week’s newsletter. Then I’ll begin work on a homily for Wednesday Mass, and presumably some further tasks and errands to keep me from loitering on a street corner and causing a public disturbance. Yesterday’s homily below… Continue reading “Pardon Me, Friend”

Pleasant Start

A really solid run this morning: not my fastest, but a good, limber, steady run, just the way it should be. Coffee, cleaned the kitchen and emptied the dishwasher, said Morning Prayer, showered and dressed for morning. We’re expecting to take David and Marlies to breakfast when everyone wakes up; then I’ll represent the parish at the Welcome service for Abingdon’s new Methodist pastor, then home again before dining out with David and Marlies.

Somehow Doubling Up

It seems as though I’ve fallen into the habit of blogging on alternate days; it’s not deliberate, and I’ll try to get back on the daily routine, even though it’s mostly tedious descriptions of my running routine. Speaking of which, I took a very leisurely day this morning after a good day at a good pace yesterday. After Morning Prayer, fruit breakfast, and cleaning up I put in a productive writing morning (I may actually finish this essay before September’s over!). Then Margaret and I took a dog-free evening in Oxford, where we dined at Majliss on the eleventh anniversary of our arrival in Oxford, 2013. There we were joined by Seabury alum the Revd Russ Bohner, who in in Oxford for a week; we reminisced and caught up and solved the problems of the world all through dinner.

This morning ran (as I said above), I had my coffee and fruit breakfast, showered, and had a meeting with my pastoral care co-chair. I’ll try to write this afternoon as we prepare for a visit from former Seabury colleague and long-time friend David Cunningham and his wife Marlies. Scarcely a dull moment around Enock House!

Time Keeps On Slippin’

Yesterday morning I had a really good run: nice and steady, some bounce to my stride, good pace, satisfying kick at the home end. I spent time working on liturgical ordos for St Helen’s, and did some reading. This morning I took my miles slow. In fact, slower than what you’re imagining right now. The sinews in my joints felt loose and slightly sore, and I didn’t want to force them; I walked, jogged, ran, and slowed to a walk, then went through the cycle again. In the end, nothing hurt or was tweaked, but it was a verrrry slow two miles.

Then I made coffee, said Morning Prayer, showered, ate a hot breakfast, prepared a Wednesday morning ordo for St Helen’s (made a big difference, as compared to working from the same laminated single sheet that the congregation uses), said the Wednesday Low Mass, lingered to talk over coffee with the gang, then home with Margaret and the ladies who had come to meet me en route.

What Resuming Means

Two good miles this morning, slow to warm up but satisfyingly springy once I got limber; cup of coffee, Morning Prayer, and shower; now, coffee in town, editing service booklets, and beginning work toward Wednesday’s homily. I got tired of using my Church of England comprehensive liturgical-year planner as a diary (too bulky and heavy by far); I’ll buy one for my desk, I suppose, but for next year I’ll carry a Leuchtturm1917 A5 Weekly Diary to keep track of my appointments. It’s a bit of a relief to have taken that step; the big CoE one was a real anchor.

No holidays till late November, by which time the rector will have well and truly retired. (I do have a retreat timetabled for early October, a bit late for my yearly obligation but still within the window). But from now, summer is effectively over and work will define the shape of my days…

Settled Back

I woke up in Abingdon (not surprising, since I went to sleep here, too), took a leisurely run, hot breakfast, brushed up my St Bartholomew’s Day sermon (observed a day late), went to church and preached, came home for lunch and light reading, and am now ready to lean into some more academic reading.

This morning’s sermon:

First page of sermon for St Barnabas Day

St Bartholomew Draped in his Skin

Way Back

I’m heading back to Abingdon — I have tomorrow morning’s service at St Helen’s, and I want to be home in good time to work on my homily and get some sleep — and it was a pure joy to revisit my favourite city. I had the chance to see and catch up with friends, to visit old haunts, to hear some good research papers, and to update my recollections of places that figure prominently in my memories of four wonderful years.

I wish I could have seen everyone, but that will have to wait. I expect there’ll be an opportunity to return (heaven permitting). In the meantime, bless you, Glasgow!