Another three-day interval, in which I haven’t been too busy to blog, but quite the opposite — too relaxed and casual to blog. My runs have been cold and mostly adequate up till this morning, during which outing I mostly walked, as my knees were not having it. They weren’t painful so much as just not flexing and bouncing; it as as though instead of having proper knees, I had metal hinges mid-leg.
I did promulgate another public-domain digital edition recently. Alistair Stewart (now of Codrington College) noted to me that he’d have a use for a clean digital version of John Adamson’s sermon ‘The Duty Of Daily Frequenting the Publick Service of the Church’ (1698), so as a productive distraction I whipped through it. It’s now in my nook at the Internet Archive. To Adamson is also ascribed the authorship of ‘The Cavalier’s Farewell To His Mistress, Being Called To The Wars’ on the basis that the only extant manuscript copy of the poem is found in Adamson’s commonplace book, one he began in 1658. Anyway, one more item of Anglican documentary historical interest cleaned up and made more digitally useful.