Based on the Wikipedia
A K M Adam (born September 10, 1957, Boston, MA) is a biblical scholar, theologian, author, parish priest, technologist and blogger. He currently serves the Parish of Abingdon-on-Thames as Associate Priest, primarily serving St Helen’s and additional duties at St Nicolas and St Michael and All Angels. He continues as College Lecturer in Theology at Oriel College in the University of Oxford, after serving as Lecturer in New Testament at Regent’s Park College, Oxford, and as Tutor in New Testament and Greek at St Stephen’s House for nine years, lecturing in New Testament for four years at the University of Glasgow and nine years teaching New Testament at Seabury-Western Theological Seminary in Evanston, IL. He is a writer, speaker, and practitioner who simultaneously engages the worlds of theology and technology on topics including postmodern philosophy, hermeneutics, education, and collaborative discovery of truth and meaning.
Biographical description based on entry from the former web site of Seabury-Western Theological Seminary:
A.K.M. Adam is currently Associate Priest at the Parish of Abingdon-on-Thames (with primary responsibility at St Helen’s), a member of the Theology Faculty of the University of Oxford, where he is College Lecturer in Theology at Oriel College, having taught at Regent’s Park College, Oxford, for nine years at St Stephen’s House. He received a bachelor’s degree in philosophy at Bowdoin College, an M.Div. and S.T.M. from Yale Divinity School, and a Ph.D. in New Testament from Duke University. Ordained to the priesthood in 1986, he has served a number of schools and parishes, most recently including the Parish of St. Luke’s, Evanston. AKMA has taught at Eckerd College, Princeton Theological Seminary, Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, and Duke Divinity School, and most recently at the University of Glasgow, where he taught New Testament and Early Church History. He spent one semester at the Names Foundation in San Francisco, studying the inter-textual relation of the Bible and the AIDS Memorial Quilt. He has written and edited numerous books and articles, including What is Postmodern Biblical Criticism? (1995), Making Sense of New Testament Theology (1995), A Grammar of New Testament Greek (1999), A Handbook of Postmodern Biblical Interpretation, Postmodern Interpretations of the Bible: A Reader (2000), Faithful Interpretation (2006), and James: A Handbook on the Greek Text (2013), and Looking Through a Glass Bible, (ed. with Samuel Tongue, 2014); most recently, he participated in the translation of Alain le Boulluec’s The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (ed. David Lincicum and Nicholas Moore, trans. A. K. M. Adam, Monique Cuany, Nicholas Moore, and Jordan Daniel Wood). His articles have appeared in Interpretation, Horizons in Biblical Theology, Journal for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies, Teaching Theology and Religion, Scottish Journal of Theology, Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha, and Anglican Theological Review.
He gives presentations at academic meetings and technology conferences as an invited keynote presenter. His work in postmodern theory and theological interpretation has been the subject of panel discussions at the Society of Biblical Literature and the Catholic Biblical Association, and he has been sought out to consult and give presentations on technology, spirituality, and theological education. His widely-read weblog appears at the Disseminary website.
He is presently continuing his work on hermeneutics and theology, on New Testament christology, and on bits and bobs of exegetical issues in the New Testament.
For the academic year 2007-2008, Dr. Adam was accepted as a resident Member of the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton, New Jersey, where he worked on a project entitled “Signifying Matthew,” an interpretation of Matthew’s Gospel as a model for disciples’ negotiating the ramifications of their faith in relation to culture.
Email Address: akm dot adam (at) gmail dot com
Family: my gift list is here.
Dear Mr./Rev./? Adam,
I have been enjoying your “What is PostModern Biblical Criticism.” Came upon it as I perused the library’s collection of recent philosophical material. I am a student at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in Philadelphia. Your book has been especially elucidative on the broader subject of Deconstruction. This evening, partly in response the interest your book prompted in me, I viewed the documentary “Derrida.”
Anyway, hope you can respond sometime in the future. Perhaps you can make a further reading suggestion. As well, perhaps you would be interested in connecting me with a student at your own institution. I am hoping to establish an inter-faith study partner In Hebrew it might be called an inter-faith “chevrutah”. I imagine it as a correspondence-based–perhaps blog based?
Thanks, Shalom, and look forward to hearing from you,
Joshua Bolton
Hey there,
Is the Disseminary project still in the works, or has it been put stopped for now? I’ve been very excited about it for a few years now : )