Daughters of Ada

I promised to take part in Ada Lovelace Day — I meant what I said and I said what I meant, a postmodern hermeneutical preacher-technologist’s word is one hundred percent.
Awkwardly, I have a hard time singling out one particular woman in technology for my blogging attention. When I was young, I admired Lillian Gilbreth (my subsequent concerns about her role in shaping industrial labor practices notwithstanding). I hung out with some fairly geeky types in high school and college, and the presence of women among my incipiently-technological friends didn’t seem extraordinary.
When I started blogging, I immediately turned out to be part of a conversation including Halley, Jeneane, Shelley, and Dorothea among others. They spoke up then and continue to speak up for women’s involvement with technological concerns on widely varying (sometimes contrary) bases. Shortly later, Liz’s path crossed mine and we fell into friendship; and then many more, from to Suw (who inveigled me into participating in Ada Day), to Kazpah to countless others whom I haven’t named. Thanks, and blessings, and I’m rooting for them and their sisters and daughters to turn things around in tremendous ways.