The planning for the Winslow Lectures has pinned down the sequence for the series, and invitations are in the mail. On Wednesday, April 20, at 7:45 my dear friend Steve Fowl will give the first lecture on the topic, “The Importance of a Multi-Voiced Literal Sense: The Example of Aquinas.” Then on Thursday morning at 11:00, Francis Watson from the University of Aberdeen will speak on “Inspiration, Word, and Text.” That afternoon at 3:00, I’ll give my talk on “Poaching on Zion: Biblical Theology as Signifying Practice,” after which Seabury will hold a gala wing-ding to install our new Dean and President (one job, two titles); the service will start at 5:00, at Northwestern’s Alice Millar Chapel. Friday morning, Kevin Vanhoozer will ask the hermeneutical question, “Imprisoned or Free? Text, Status, and Theological Interpretation in the Master/Slave Discourse of Philemon,” which will be followed by a short panel discussion.
Stephen’s lecture and mine will be held at the Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary chapel (second floor of the main building), whereas Francis’s and Kevin’s will be held at the Northwestern University Sheil Center. (There’s an ironic temper at work in arrangements that have Steve and me speaking in a decidedly Protestant ambiance, and Francis and Kevin in a markedly Roman Catholic setting.)
There’s still time to make your travel arrangements! Don’t miss this once-in-a-month opportunity! We have a PDF of the schedule available here, and I posted a JPEG to flickr.