As I work toward completing the starter set of 48 Early Church Theology Cards, I’ll post the links here. Right now, I’ve uploaded a design for the backs of the cards, and two sets of eight theologians. I think they’re pretty snazzy; Ryan and I had an impromptu game with the first set of eight to test-drive the game, and things worked pretty well (once he stopped cheating). Anyway, I’ll add links to this post rather than scattering them throughout my blog, and eventually we’ll have them linked from the main Disseminary blog, which is coming together bit by bit.
- PDF – Backs of Cards
- PDF – First Eight Theologians
- PDF – Second Eight Theologians
- PDF – Third Eight Theologians
- PDF – Fourth Eight Theologians
- PDF – Fifth Eight Theologians
- PDF – Sixth Eight Theologians
- JPG – Backs of Cards
- JPG – First Eight Theologians
- JPG – Second Eight Theologians
- JPG – Third Eight Theologians
- JPG – Fourth Eight Theologians
- JPG – Fifth Eight Theologians
- JPG – Sixth Eight Theologians
Preparations: First, determine how the variable categories will be directed: the “Date of Death” category may favor earlier or later saints, and the “Orders of Ministry” may favor Patriarchs (magisterial rules) or the Baptized (kingdom rules). Then deal the cards.
The divisions of Ministry are: Apostate, Baptized, Monastic, Deacon, Presbyter, Bishop, Patriarch. (“Apostate” always loses, whether by Magisterial or Kingdom rules.)
The divisions of Asceticism are: Virgin, Celibate, Chaste, Penitent, Unchaste. (The distinction between Chaste and Celibate is elusive and sometimes arbitrary. Virgins are always women; Celibates are men whose theology or practice foregrounded their sexual purity.)
The divisions of Orthodoxy are: Heresiarch, Heretic, Heterodox, Ambiguous, Orthodox, Theologian, and Doctor.
The divisions of Martyrdom are: Megamartyr (a martyr under extraordinary circumstances), Martyr, Confessor, Exile, Simplex (for those who just plain died).
The Play: Shuffle and deal the cards.
A turn consists of each player looking at the top card of their deck. The first player chooses one of the categories: Date of Death, Order, Asceticism, Orthodoxy, or Martyrdom. Players then compare the characteristics of the two cards in the category that the chooser indicated, and the player whose card is higher takes both cards and becomes the next chooser.
If the chooser’s card surpasses the responder’s card, the chooser gets both cards, puts them on the bottom of their deck, and and keeps the prerogative to choose the category when the next cards are drawn.
If the responder’s card is equal or higher when then cards are compared, the responder gets both cards, puts them at the bottom of their deck, and earns the prerogative to choose the category when the next cards are drawn.
[Later: Special Rules/specialcards to come. . . .]
When one player has all the cards, the game is over.
(Now I just have to come up with a sermon for Sunday.)
These look great! I can’t wait to try them out…
I eagerly await Seabury’s first annual “Ecclesia: The Gathering” tournament. 🙂 Also, have you considered what happens if you incorporate versions with really alternate Christianities? (So, for instance, Montanist rules: “Orders of Ministry” goes magisterial, anyone who remarried automatically loses, and being martyred trumps everything else.)
I did not cheat! I didn’t know the rules!!
Man, the abuse I take from you..
I linked to your post, from a post on BATSIS. I tried two different pingers, but was unable to successfully ping your Trackback.
Sorry to put you to extra trouble, Wayne; I disabled trackbacks a while ago, and failed to bother stripping references to them out of my templates. I’ll try to remember to clean that up.