So Much

The Dean just added me to Seabury’s Long-Range Planning Committee, so I suddenly have an extra two-hour meeting on my schedule. That’s in addition to the theses I have to read, the sermon I’m preparing for Friday morning, and the letter I must write agreeing to preach at a Milwaukee ordination in June. And this morning my editor from Fortress Press called to inquire about when my preface to Faithful Interpretation will be ready, and I just received an email message from the production editor saying that the proofs are coming here overnight and I must have them back on May 19, with my preface.


Well, at least I have a sermon premise that I like (one of the readings is Acts 9:1-20, and I’ll preach about Paul as the Apostle of inflection points), and I’ll work on transmuting my comments at the CSBR meeting of ten days ago into a Preface. This will work out.

Next week is called Reading Week, but I have a feeling that it will be Writing Week in my office.

4 thoughts on “So Much

  1. You should be a perfect candidate for strategic planning — if its done properly, the process ought to seriously consider (beyond the usual stuff – strengths, weaknesses, challenges) why the institution deserves to continue. I doubt if you will settle for pat answers to any of the questions asked, and will be visionary in laying out possibilities for Seabury’s future.

  2. Think of this as the perfect opportunity for multitasking… a free two hours at a conference table available for reading theses. Don’t forget to look up from your reading from time to time and make some kind of affirmation.

  3. Hmmm… I seem to recall that most “Reading Week” time was spent writing for me as a student. Maybe they should just rename it.

  4. That last comment sounds like the activity of students in your New Testament class! 🙂

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