Over the weekend, I found out that I’d made appearances in two national magazines. In one, I was identified by name: the Anglican Digest apparently cited my blog post from September 20, 2004. My first reaction was concern — with all the ill-considered things I write at this site, what my TAD have selected to call the church’s attention to my cantankerous folly? When I learned that it was the preparatory reflection towards a St. Michael’s Day sermon, I was greatly relieved! My second thought was, “How odd that Kendall chose to use the preparatory reflections rather than the sermon itself, which (after all) appears online just a few days later — but as I look them both over, I think I may prefer the reflections to the sermon.
Then also, I found out that the Newsweek article about World of Warcraft mentions me, though not by name. On page 49 (page 2 of the onlline version), Steven Levy mentions that among the members of Joi Ito’s guild, “There is a priest whose character is … a priest.” That’s me.
Conflicted. While blogging, do I use my toon’s name or my blogging name?
Nevermind. I’m going back to stalking Kazpah.