I’ll be preaching at Frank’s ordination on Sunday — we’ reading 1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14 and John 6:51-58. It’s pretty clear — at least in prospect — that I’ll preach about Solomon’s prayer for wisdom, but I’m not sure exactly where I’ll go with it (and administrative obligations and course preps and social network turbulence are beclouding my perception on this).
But I received a surprise tonight when I opened an email from my hosts at McCormick Theological Seminary, where I’ll be making a guest appearance in a class they teach: They’d like to set up a book-signing reception for me. I don’t know if it’ll work out, but the fact that they’d think of that out of a clear blue sky means a ton to me.
Tripp said:
I will see you there…
[Tripp recently posted a nice piece on how his mandolin lessons force him to un-learn some deeply-ingrained habits, and whether that might correlate to any comparable experience in learning theology.]
Carol writes:
A book signing! How cool! I was happily surprised to find my copy of “Faithful Interpretation” waiting for me when I returned home from a weekend out-of-town on Monday. The introduction distracted me from my misery for a while yesterday afternoon in bed with a cold. I found it very instructive in providing some intellectual underpinning for my unexamined assumptions. How did I miss the widespread insistence that there is only one correct interpretation of any Biblical text? (I’ve certainly encountered my share of folks who were sure they knew the single true meaning of the text in question, but they always denied they were interpreting at all.) Was it it my training at Andover Newton where William Bradford’s “God has more truth and light to break forth from his Holy Word” was repeated more often than any creed? Is it the influence of Baptist freedom? Certainly there would be no point in asserting the right and responsibility of every believer to interpret scripture (in community, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit) if one wasn’t assuming a benefit to many perspectives, and the possibility of more than one outcome. Thanks for the helpful insights. I look forward to the rest of the essays.