So, by apparent coincidence, Chris sent me an email the other day calling my attention to “Armor of God Pajamas,” just a couple of days after Mother Jeanette DeFriest preached about those very pjs at St. Luke’ on Sunday. That reminded me that someone had asked that I put up a pointer to the recording of my sermon from the week before, so here that is. That, in turn, reminded me that my voice also recently appeared online in a very different setting. That, in a turn that brings us almost full circle, reminds me that while Nick Janus and I were conversing about life, the universe, and everything this afternoon in Azeroth, we fell into a discussion of Mother DeFriest, and what kind of character she might play if she took an interest in Warcraft.
Web 2.0?
Any chance you can put the text version of that superb sermon on here? I’ve fallen for it ..
Thanks for the cleverly kind words, Why Not — the full sermon text is posted here.
I first said that to you Sept 10, 1978–before you knew I planned to make a habit out of it. Now you know, I guess. Here’s to you on your latest birthday, to our first 28 years together, and to many many more to come.
all my love, Margaret