
I took my personal computer back to the Apple Store last week; it had developed a belated case of the Random Shutdown problem (the latest onset I’ve heard about, roughly five months after purchase). One reason I’ve been relatively quiet has involved the pokiness of my school-issued iBook compared to its zippy (but now dysfunctional) big brother.

My MBP has been in The Depot for a week; evidently the required part is “on order (20-Oct-2006).” I expect it’ll return strong and fresh sometime moderately soon, but for now, the iBook starts straining and sweating whenever I look at it.

The rest of my rationale for light blogging involves three stacks of papers that I managed to acquire simultaneously (with my usual uncanny knack for coincident due dates), a series of class-prep peaks, several administrative meetings, and so on. I’m hoping that the squeeze eases up tomorrow, and the MacBook Pro comes home before the weekend.

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