I can see why the Vice President likes this “undisclosed location” shtick. We’re enjoying the chance to unwind and to sleep and eat and watch movies or whatever on our own whimsical schedule.
Ruminations about hermeneutics, theology, theory, politics, ecclesiastical life… and exercise.
I can see why the Vice President likes this “undisclosed location” shtick. We’re enjoying the chance to unwind and to sleep and eat and watch movies or whatever on our own whimsical schedule.
Just try not to accidentally shoot each other on a hunting trip. Please.
So does NORAD now have you guys on the screen that tracks the president, VP, and others at all times? 🙂
I second that. Although this is more what I had in mind: http://www.newsday.com/services/newspaper/printedition/wednesday/partii/ny-2know5659483apr23,0,3754968.story