Marlboro College has already posted a video recording of their graduation ceremony, including recognizable appearances by Josiah Adam (soon to be Harris-Adam), Michael Bérubé, and this writer. The key moments in the video feed for fans of this family arrive at 52 minutes (Michael Bérubé’s address), 1 hour and 15 minutes (Josiah Adam receives his degree), and 2 hour 5 minutes (AKMA valedicts the new graduates). (Those of you who are following the “manuscript vs. without manuscript” throw-down may notice, by the way, that I did not utter a single “uh.” That comes in large part through extensive experience reading aloud.)
Lyn and Will sing two lovely musical selections beginning just before the 45 minute mark, and — earlier — the two senior speakers gave impassioned commendations of their college; all in all, quite an excellent and impressive ceremony.