The NPR Fifty Top Recordings of the Aughties series covers a great deal of excellent music, calls to my attention some items I had neglected, and (of course) omits plenty that I’d have included. As is always the case, the point of a Top X list is to get readers arguing among themselves, so have at it.
Not that I approve, of course, but (a) the mom’s appearance reminds me of a student I once had (don’t remember which); (b) the reaction shot of the formerly-tantrumming kid is terrific; (c) the mom’s expression and gesture to the kid after her tantrum are spot-on. Been there, haven’t done that.
I mislaid my calendar. I do that every time I try to keep a calendar responsibly. I hate it when that happens.
The Bishop’s Office has contacted me; I have a “Permission To Officiate” license, so if you’ve been biding your time, waiting for me to perform some sacramental action, now’s your opportunity.
What kind of action was that? Just kidding.
“sacrtamental” — fixed, thanks!