My time of 16:21 would be shockingly poor if not for the facts that (a) it marks my extension of my running course to a mile and a half, and (b) I wasn’t pushing for time, but just running slowly and steadily. Morning Office, some fruit, holi-stay breakfast at Rick’s, some errands in the city centre (I finally purchased this summer’s straw hat), a meander to ascertain that Leon is actually closed, and an increasingly slow crawl back home with feet that were busily remembering the extra half mile they had already run this morning. I spent the residue of the afternoon doing some housework, and sorting photos from my digital files. Margaret prepared stuffed peppers for dinner, and we watched the first episode of The Deceived (having been misled into thinking the whole series was available), then switching to Air Force One Is Down for a thriller we could watch to the end before September.