A very good pace this morning, clear skies, dry and calm, in 0° air. Yes, zero degrees, in April. The Home Office — as reported by the BBC — warned that I might see mist; indeed, it warned of MIST . Apparently the BBC thinks that this particular meteorological phenomenon warrants bold all caps, whereas mere gusty winds or thunder snow can make do with initial caps. And it’s all in sans serif, which constitutes another daily reminder that the world is declining into typographical tedium. ‘But it’s more readable on mobiles!’ I say it’s graceless, and I say the hell with it.
I know these running posts are boring. Runnning is boring (to me). But they keep me coming to the blog to write something every day, and if I keep at that, I may limber up my blogging muscles enough to resume writing more interesting things online. That’s the theory, anyway. At the very least, someday I may need medical treatment, or may set some weird world record, or… my imagination fails me… and the record of how many miles I ran on which days could be informative.