Stromateis Update

David Knight: friend, Seabury alum, Katrina survivor, and deputy to General Convention reflects on the Episcopal General Convention 2006 in two posts.

Thomas Knoll writes to ask, “How many students would you need to make it worth your time to develop a course on Beautiful Evidence? In other words, if I found 5, 10, 15, 20, more people, could we take a go at a Disseminary course?”
I don’t have a predetermined answer. If I were to cook up an online discussion group, it would involve a number of books that people might not want to bother tracking down and reading, and I would probably incline toward drawing on Visual Explanations rather than Beautiful Evidence. If the course were a formal academic course, I’d use that and Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics, perhaps Robert Bringhurst’s Elements of Typographic Style (with a connection, then, to this interesting article on liturgical printing), perhaps my book coming out from Fortress, maybe some others I’m not recollecting (help, Laura?). If people were wanted to talk through these books, I’m sure I’d be delighted to discuss them on a Disseminary sub-site. Leave a comment if you’re interested, OK? (And yes, I know the comment function is clunky. I’m sorry.)

And now I have a USB cable for my Motorola V265 phone, and can peer into its file system, but I can’t find the photo files in the directory structure.

7 thoughts on “Stromateis Update

  1. AKMA
    Great to be linked on your blog – but I re-did that post. It had typos and some font problems so I cleaned it up and reposted it. So now your link does not work.

    [AKMA: No problem, now fixed. Bless you, David!]

  2. Thomas’ question strikes me as like Abraham’s conversation with God at the end of Gen 18… how many students do you require? Isn’t that also the “wrong” question, is someone willing to do the work to run the thing? Or have I missunderstood how it would work, is he asking YOU to run it?

  3. I’m curious about these ideas and am working on several projects in this area this fall anyway. What would a disseminary class entail?

    I’m currently looking at David Morgan’s “The Sacred Gaze” to help develop a framework for theological encounters with visual culture. So far a great book.

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