Mild-mannered clergyman and academic brushes up against notoriety again! My encounter with the Nantucket police department has gotten renewed attention in light of a recent Alaskan incident; that one earned me the “Infohighwayman” sobriquet. Now, it turns out, I’m a “culprit”; because I turn out to have written the first retrospective blog entry about Joey and Wendy’s wedding, which they asked that people not live-blog. Jennifer Saranow of the Wall Street Journal, who was unfailingly diligent, polite, inquisitive, and pleasant in our numerous conversations, construed my post that way, anyway. Apart from the somewhat incongruous characterization of my compliance as culprit-hood, it’s an innocuous enough account, and it’s fun to be relinked to Rachel and Ethan and Joey and Wendy.
Dave didn’t like it* — “it’s such a non-story” — and David resists the association of live-blogging with narcissism with the wise observation that “Live blogging is inexplicable enough that it seems likely to be an indicator of a more important fault line in how we’re constructing public and private spaces,” to which I lend heartfelt affirmation.
* Yesterday Dave took up the problem of disappearing blog archives I raised a few years ago, that Joi and David made fun of, that ultimately got me interviewed by France 2. So our paths cross and link twice in two days.