This morning’s run encountered medium pollen, 9° temps, sore adductors (I think; I’m not much of an anatomist), but I still pared back the mile to 9:23. Morning Office, hot breakfast, Sunday Service on Radio 4, then Mass (we started at the patronal of Most Holy Trinity, Wolverhampton, but connectivity issues brought us ’round to St Michael and All Angels, Croydon). After all that religion, I focused on Legends most of the day. Margaret had a demanding weekend — she’s trying to set up communications with some MPs and Peers in the run-up to the Agriculture Bill, which involves manoeuvring some hoops designed to prevent people from lobbying MPs and Peers — so she knocked off a bit early and we watched the end of the mostly vapid Alex Rider series, interrupted by my preparation of fajitas for dinner (with no root vegetables).

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