A flurry of sites have pointed to the Project for Public Spaces (PPS) – 20 Best Neighborhoods in North America, to which I looked hopefully, only to discover that my life has been characterized by a pretty consistent absence from “best neighborhoods” (I’m hoping there isn’t a cause-and-effect relationship at work here). I’ve been to the East Village (#2) in passing, and I think I’ve seen Camden (#4), but I’m mostly a stranger to PPS’s most admirable spots in North America. I can still get acquainted with Oak Park, though, and Josiah aspires to relocate to Northfield.
And let’s not even talk about the best neighborhoods in the world.
I’ve been through Oak Park, though I’m not certain about the specific Lake St. neighborhood to which they point; but I’ve never been near any of the others, either.
Another “Best of” list from which my life is noticably absent– but quite frankly, I am not especially distressed about this. The places in which I have lived have been, if not lovely, at least lovable; and it seems to me that the value of a neigborhood, as in any human relationship, is largely what we make of it by our own contributions to the effort.
Drop by “Accordion City” sometime and I’ll take you on a tour of Kensington Market!