One of the most effective ways to render ideas unthinkable is to leave them underdeveloped, unconsidered — so that one can plausibly submit that “nobody takes that seriously”
Roger, the cameraman of the French camera crew, was balancing light and camera angles, and I heard him say, “Non, c’est un peu too much.”
I should work harder on outlining. I hate outlining, but I should work harder at it.
When we continuously experiment with the liturgy, we re-enact and reinscribe ourselves in the fractured, discontinuous, scattered way of life (anti-Way) against which a sympathetic reception of the catholic liturgical tradition helps protect us. Ad hoc liturgy makes a gamble of the living connection of our participation in the liturgy; and the existence of skillful gamblers and of lucky people doesn’t make gambling a benign practice.
Liturgy changes, and we must experiment to learn what forms that change should take. But when experimentation itself becomes the liturgy, we invest in the economy of disorientation that serves the late capitalist trivialization of meaning, and we thin out the ecology of signification in our lives.