Writing Curmudgeon 08/02/2005AKMAUncategorized8 Comments I really, really dislike the use of “reference” as a verb. Share this:FacebookX
“Refer.” the verb form is “to refer.” Writers, please make a note. Irritating the benevolent professor is not nice. Reply
I tried to set a Trackback using the above Trackback URL, but I got an error: Ping ‘http://disseminary.org/mt/mt-tb.cgi/160’ failed: HTTP error: 404 Not Found Just thought I’d let you know. I was pinging from this entry. Reply
Tim, I disconnected the TrackBack cgi so that I wouldn’t have any more TrackBack spam. Sorry about that. . . . Reply
Someone please agree that “impact” is not a verb. The only thing that should be impacted is a tooth. RicH Reply
Or for that matter, using the words ‘contact’ or ‘source’ as verbs. Ugh! Don’t get me started! -JF Reply
“Refer.” the verb form is “to refer.” Writers, please make a note. Irritating the benevolent professor is not nice.
I tried to set a Trackback using the above Trackback URL, but I got an error:
Ping ‘http://disseminary.org/mt/mt-tb.cgi/160’ failed: HTTP error: 404 Not Found
Just thought I’d let you know. I was pinging from this entry.
Tim, I disconnected the TrackBack cgi so that I wouldn’t have any more TrackBack spam. Sorry about that. . . .
And I really, really dislike the use of “gift” as a verb.
“Fellowship” as a verb hasn’t exactly won me over either.
Someone please agree that “impact” is not a verb. The only thing that should be impacted is a tooth. RicH
But y’all know that there is no noun which cannot be verbed.
Or for that matter, using the words ‘contact’ or ‘source’ as verbs. Ugh! Don’t get me started! -JF