I’ve had time and access today, but not the attention span to think of something worth saying. I couldn’t think of a clever way of acknowledging Frank’s prior art on photographing the Linnaeus statue; couldn’t think of a way to connect to Chris’s latest marvels; couldn’t think of anything to say about politics or digital identity or the Anglican Communion — all because I wake up tomorrow morning at 4AM to drive my wife and daughter to Midway Airport, where they’ll catch a plane to Manchester, NH, and I won’t see them again for six weeks or so. (Even then, I’ll only spend the weekend before my birthday with Margaret, after which I’ll take Pippa home with me from Durham.)
But here’s a link to the Hilary of Poitiers (#49) cards (it’s starting to get brutally difficult to find images of these characters!): Single PDF — Six-Up PDF — JPEG.
What I meant about cheering for Halley and BlogHer was this: I’ve taught for a longish time now, and over the years have taught mostly classes that comprised a roughly even mix of women and men, some classes wherein the population tilted markedly toward the men, and a very few courses that included a preponderance of women. For whatever reason, every one of the classes in the last category worked better than all but the rarest of the mixed and male-dominant classes.
One can attribute this to any sort of factor, especially given the small sample size. For the time being, I’m inclined to think that some combination of biology, social expectations, pedagogical style, learning interests, capacities, temperaments, and subject matter converged in a mixture of which gender made a big difference. When I hear that Halley had a great time at BlogHer, it reminds me of my teaching experience. As I accumulate more varied experiences, I’ll keep my eyes open for instances that vary or reverse my expectations.
Would an all-women conference necessarily go better than a mixed conference? No.
Would an all-women class necessarily go better than a mixed class? No.
Am I surprised to hear how well BlogHer went? No.
Do I think that the gender definition of the conference was irrelevant? No.
If I keep typing, maybe I won’t have to go to the airport. . . .
thanks AKMA. pls say hello to Margaret for me if there’s time, if you see this in time. I am sad for you but that’s somehow wonderful.
Do you think you might possible make me a CD of Pippa’s 2005 artwork? It would be easier then for me to show others how talented she is, and also I could use someone’s good printer to print out special ones!
I’ll try to take good care f your women when thet are here. Can’t wait! Love, nTA
Thank you for the link, AKMA. I think it’s interesting that in this life I have sometimes gone years with only fleeting thoughts of Linnaeus. Then Dr. Weinberger zeroes in and suddenly there are images and artifacts wherever I look, not the least of which is that interesting bronze statue in the Chicago Botanic Garden.
Chris — I did indeed pass along your regards this morning at four @#$%$ o’clock in the morning, and Margaret graciously sent her very best regards to you.
Mom, I’ll get on the CD as soon as I get back from Minnesota. It’ll be a treat to make it easier for you to show off Pippa’s work!
Frank, no problem at all, least I could do. That does explain the vivid feeling of having seen old C.L. recently, when I had never been to the Botanic Garden before in my life.
And everyone, Margaret and Pip arrived safely and are ensconced at Jeanne and Gail’s Hen-Pecked Acres in Maine. I know I was probably the only one worrying, but anyway, it’s all clear.