I’ve been trying to concentrate on my sermon for tomorrow’s “Beyond Dichotomous Theology” seminar across the street at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. The featured speaker, Gary Dorrien, is a professor of my foster-daughter’s at Union — so if the pressure to preach a true word before God’s people and all the saints and angels assembled weren’t high enough, I’ll be trying to make a good impression for Jennifer’s sake.
Since I have that sermon to finish, and a Bible study group at St. Luke’s tonight, I’ll conclude for now by pointing to A Light Blazes in the Darkness, the Advent devotional book by the RevGalBlogPals, featuring contributions by Jane and Susie (among other people I know — I’m not sure who-all else is in on this). All the proceeds go to Katrina Relief — so by ordering a copy, you’ll be doing good both for your soul and for the survivors of the Louisiana-Mississippi hurricane.
(Unfortunately, it looks as though we’ll need to write a whole lot more devotionals if we’re going to shelter and feed the survivors of the Pakistan-India earthquake. . . .)
Thanks for mentioning the A LIGHT BLAZES IN THE DARKNESS. We’re excited about it.
I am SURE there are more folks in there that you know. Thanks for plugging it. Now we are working on one for Ordinary Time.