Follow-Up And Next Random Thought

Jill and Esther cover a fantastic re-employment of Warcraft, and articulate some of the noteworthy problems relative to using the Warcraft infrastructure for such outlandish merriment.

And cheers to Jennifer’s classmate Isaac Everett for his participation in the Game-Mosh winning entry. Maybe Micah and Isaac and I should form a weird society for game-design/theological reflection. Seminarians don’t have to enter ordained church leadership — that’s a good thing — and maybe by devoting some deliberate theological energy to game-design problems, we could both enliven theological discussion and add a further critical dimension to the design of games.

5 thoughts on “Follow-Up And Next Random Thought

  1. I’m trying to write an anthem that will incorporate not only the Feast of the Annunciation but also the concurrent trouncing of Duke by the LSU Tigers.

    Unfortunately, because of a certain movie, the only word I can think of that rhymes with Tiger is “Li-ger”

    Can you help?


  2. PS. That’s concurrent in the stuffy, high-church way, meaning that the game starts at 6:10 PM and therefore steps on the office of Vespers I for the incoming feast that technically begins at sunset tonight.

    Though I suppose that one may argue that the majesty of an LSU victory could trump the doubled nature of the feast altogether.

    Quickly, Robin, to the Ritual Notes.

  3. That would certainly qualify as a miracle worth commemorating in anthems of praise, Richard. Unfortunately, though, this is clearly not a good year for Louisiana. . . .

  4. Any idea what percentage of people get so obsessed by the so-called comraderie of this Warcraft game that they seriously neglect work, studies and real-world relationships? I read Joi Ito’s website and while he talks about people landing jobs through Warcraft, he also acknowledges “the addictive nature of these games are a risk from a productivity and health perspective” (11/4/05) I am dismayed to see responsible adults advocating this game, because it seems to me to be an insidious waste of time on a massive scale. I imagine all the game fans will jump on me for saying this, but some people really seem susceptible to going off the deep end with this game, to the point they don’t even realize how divorced they are from reality.

  5. Fire up the organ and sing a Non nobis! Prayers of thanksgiving to Notre Dame de Bonne Secours!

    Well done, Richard and LSU. . . .

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