I’m preaching Sunday, working on the texts, looking for the hook. The readings are Joshua 24:1-2a,14-25 (“Choose ye this day whom you will serve”); Psalm 16; Ephesians 5:21-33 (the dreaded “Wives, be subject to your husbands”); and John 6:60-69, the end of the Bread of Life discourse.
Right now, I suspect I’ll want to pick up and interrogate the question of “choosing” — but since I don’t have a hook, it’s hard to tell what’ll become the most important element in the whole.
Remember us somehow this Sunday. The anniversary stuff is going to be difficult and good. We will gather at the ruins of our church. I will preach a very short homily, for the day and the scenery will speak for itself.
And then we will baptize two children of our parish.
From water – destruction, from water – rebirth…