
I’m preaching Sunday, working on the texts, looking for the hook. The readings are Joshua 24:1-2a,14-25 (“Choose ye this day whom you will serve”); Psalm 16; Ephesians 5:21-33 (the dreaded “Wives, be subject to your husbands”); and John 6:60-69, the end of the Bread of Life discourse.

Right now, I suspect I’ll want to pick up and interrogate the question of “choosing” — but since I don’t have a hook, it’s hard to tell what’ll become the most important element in the whole.

1 thought on “Composing

  1. Remember us somehow this Sunday. The anniversary stuff is going to be difficult and good. We will gather at the ruins of our church. I will preach a very short homily, for the day and the scenery will speak for itself.
    And then we will baptize two children of our parish.
    From water – destruction, from water – rebirth…

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