Via Liz Lawley (who was mentioned by name and quoted in the Newsweek article), Presentation Zen endorses Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics. I read Making Comics a few days ago, and enjoyed it — but it’s still not a patch on Understanding.
Via Accordion Guy, Pajiba’s “The Best Movies You’ve Never Seen,” the kind of column that I read and note, which I draw on in video stores to amaze my family with masterpieces that they’ve never heard of. We have in fact already seen Shallow Grave, though not the rest.
Via Language Log, Wayne Leman’s Better Bibles Blog shows that God approves of the use of “they” as a singular pronoun.
I missed it, but didymustk has started seminary at Luther. Say hey to my faculty friends there (which is about a third of the teachers). . . .
One of these days, I’ll turn off comments for a little while, to facilitate upgrading Moveable Type. It’s hard to imagine anyone getting upset about that, but if you were tempted to see it as a sign of some sort, please bear this in mind. [Later: I went ahead and did that, for the time being. When I get the spam backlog under control, I’ll backup, upgrade, and then we’ll see what happens. For the time being, the boldface link below will use your email client to send a comment to my email address, which has the advantage that it saves a copy in your “sent” folder and my inbox. Then I’ll go in and edit the entry itself to incorporate your comments.]
I think Si is taking a class on Python. I don’t know for sure, because when things are going well with him, I don’t hear much — but I’m pleased that he’s at least considering learning a scripting language.
Pippa and I went to get some frames for the paintings and pastels that she’s been making. I take delight in the art itself, but even more so when the framers express surprise and admiration for her work.
I can’t tell you what a relief it is to look at the “comments” section of my MT interface and not see full pages of spam. I know, this is only a makeshift interim solution, but it’s exciting.
From didymustk:
*cough* wordpress *cough*
God’s peace,
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