If I subscribed to a flat Deuteronomic theology that correlates piety with prosperity, and misfortune with sinfulness, the only explanation for this week would be a track rtecord of intense transgression. I had a faculty meeting Monday morning, Strategic Planning Committee meeting Tuesday morning, no meeting yesterday (but between classes and services, eight hours of pedagogy and worship, not counting the interstitial preoccupations), Librarian Search Committee meeting this morning, and I’ll meet the New Testament Search Committee tomorrow, with the prospect of another faculty meeting Monday morning.
(solemnly beats breast three times) Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. . . .
If any reader knows of a librarian with an advanced academic degree (preferably in theology or a related field), library management experience, and a winning vision of the library’s role in theological education in the twenty-first century, please make sure they’re in contact with the Seabury/Garrett search (I’m adding it in the extended section, just in case it takes a while for the respective institutions to update their websites).
The United Library, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary and Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, Evanston, Illinois
The United Library is the result of the 1981 merger of the libraries of Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, a seminary of the Episcopal Church USA, and Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, a graduate theological school of the United Methodist Church. The schools are situated across the street from one another on the campus of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois; the library collection and services are divided between the two facilities. The United Library’s collection of over 300,000 volumes and 1,400 periodicals is rich in biblical studies, patristics, Christian art, ancient Near Eastern studies, church history, American denominationalism, pietism, Christian education, African-American theological studies, women’s studies, and Anglican and Methodist studies. Special collections include the Keen Collection of English Bible Translations, the American Methodism Collection, the Hale Rare Book Collection, and the Hibbard Egyptian Collection. The United Library works cooperatively with the Northwestern University Library. Both schools are members of a consortium of seminaries in Chicago, the Association of Chicago Theological Schools, and the librarian participates in the ACTS Library Council.
Position Summary
The Director oversees all library operations, including collection development; development and promotion of library resources and services; instruction in research and bibliographic skills for students and other library users; management of the library budget; coordination of information and instructional technology needs; and long-range planning, including planning for space needs. The Library Director is a member of both seminary faculties, is expected to maintain relationships with both institutions, and may occasionally be invited to teach in his/her field of expertise. The Library Director is appointed by the presidents and reports directly to the academic deans. S/he supervises five full-time library staff, as well as work-study students.
Applicants should have an advanced degree in theology or a related field (at least a master’s degree, doctorate preferred); have a library science degree from an ALA accredited school; have significant library experience in management; have experience in teaching research, bibliographic and information retrieval skills; understand the principles of collection development with particular sensitivity to United Methodist and Episcopal denominational materials; be an articulate advocate for the library; have good administrative and supervisory skills; be a strong advocate for academic technology; be able to relate to faculty, students, and administrators; understand the role of the library in a theological seminary; have a vocational commitment to participate in both institutions and to discern what this means in each place; and demonstrate a sense of active church life. Grant writing skills are desirable.
Application Information
Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference; and be sent to Prof. Ruth A. Meyers, United Library Search Committee, Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, 2122 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, Illinois 60201; email
Start date: August 1, 2007
Seabury-Western and Garrett-Evangelical Seminaries are Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employers. We encourage racial and ethnic minorities and women to apply.