A Different Honor

The other day after work, I ran to Jewel to pick up some supplies, and one of the grocery-cart guys hailed me, “Hello, Rabbi!” (He was probably misled by my black wool hat.) This was a new one for me, and we were passing each other so we didn’t really have time for a discussion of the differences between a Hasid and an Anglo-Catholic. I said, “Hi, thanks!” If I’ve given offense by not disclaiming strongly enough, I herewith apologize.

Last year, Sarah’s mom reported to me that Sarah had asked her, “Is Father Adam Amish?” since, after all, she usually sees me dressed in black and white.

So I guess I’m a one-man interfaith, ecumenical movement — and the joke’s on me, because I’m one of the least likely theologians for that identity.

Tripp said:

You see, AKMA, God is calling you into ecumenical work in the broadest sense. The Spirit has spoken! Wait no longer, my brother!

Rachel said:

Dear AKMA,

Were I able to comment on posts at your blog, I would have left the following note on your recent post about being mistaken for a Hasid:

we didn’t really have time for a discussion of the differences between a Hasid and an Anglo-Catholic

Probably true. But should you wish to discuss those differences — and, naturally, also similarities — here on your blog, count me in!

(er — I suppose that offer would have more oomph if I were actually able to comment. 🙂


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