Big Thinks

Im spending the day at a planning meeting relative to technology and theological education, hosted by the Association of Theological Schools. Some of the folks I already know, others new to me. If everything works out right, we’ll be hosting a conference, maybe two, about the ways technology can support the missions of ATS member schools. I suspect I’m a little left-field-ish for them — many of the people around the table are Big Proprietary System customers — but they invited me to the table, so we’ll see what comes of this.

Tim said:

Do remind the Big Thinkers that, if big really IS beautiful, the British Open University (not small with just under 200,000 students enrolled!) uses Moodle and other Open Source software. Incidentally Carey with a mere 200 or so also finds Moodle fits the bill, so it is highly scalable.

Also please remind them to pause their Big Thoughts. It is not about systems and technology, it’s about STUDENTS!



BTW do visit my new experiment – an audio blog “5 Minute Bible” and if you feel like it leave a comment (audio if you have a microphone on your computer, text if you haven’t) and tell others who might be interested…

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