
You may remember that at last year’s choir banquet, Pippa walked away with two of the major awards (attendance and the Rector’s Award for exemplary ministry); I figured that she probably wouldn’t get any repeat awards, so she might manage without any this year.

Tonight was the choir banquet, preceded by the final choral Evensong of the year. During Evensong, Pippa sang an extraordinary improvised solo during the psalm; Margaret and I were very nervous going in, but Pippa rocked; everyone lauded her. Then at the awards banquet, she received not only the joke award for an “Exchange Student” (presaging her coming year in Princeton), but also the attendance award (again) and the Most Improved girl’s chorister. Then Jonathan gave her a special good-bye present from the choir, too.

She was characteristically reserved about all this — Jonathan remarked on it, joking that he knew she just loved the attention — but we were beaming with pride. She’s a treat, and it’s intensely encouraging when other people notice her.

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