At a rest stop in central Pennsylvania, we saw the following beverage coolers, side by side:
The questions that spring to mind jostle for sustained attention. Is this a Cupertino that substitutes “concept” for “counter”? (That would seem to be contradicted by the half-visible sign that says “Purchase @ Roy’s. . . ,” rather than “@ any register.”) It seems extraordinary, though, that both signs would have the same inadvertent error. OK, so the signmaker thought it made sense to “pay at a concept.” Why does one say one can pay, and the other say “please pay”? Whatever the details, I’m hard at work on a new concept at which people will gladly pay.
I’m wondering what the accepted currency is at a concept.
I’m wondering if you can pay with a smile.
That whole concept of a “Coke and a smile” seems to be apt.
“The Pause That Confuses..” as a tagalong to Todd’s comment. It should be engraved underneath the desktop name-tags of the big Hollywood producers – “Pay at every concept.” It also calls to mind the Annie Hall quote: “Right now, it’s only a notion. But I think I can get money to make it into a concept. And later turn it into an idea.”
Enough blather! It was a pleasure beyond measure to see you, Margaret and your wonderful family. Safe journeys.