
I had been withstanding considerable pain from plantar fasciitis (that could be really handy in a Scrabble game someday) through the summer and early fall. As recently as a couple of weeks ago, I gasped and winced as sharp pain engulfed my heel and arch. But last Saturday I forgot to take my daily naproxen, and then on Sunday my foot still felt OK so I pushed it for another day, and Monday I didn’t even notice. Although the last couple of days have involved some shivers of pain, my plantar fascia seems to have settled down considerably — whether because of my new insoles, or the anti-inflammatory treatment, or my stretching the foot whenever I can. I expect I’ll need to take a pill now or then, but for the time being, it sure feels good to think that the inflammation is easing.

4 thoughts on “Relief

  1. i’ve had this and i know how awful it is, especially first thing in the morning. what helped me most was stretching–i was pretty hit and miss with the ibuprofen and didn’t do any orthotics or such. it took *so long* to heal. now even the slightest twinge, and i go all stretching again. 🙂

  2. I have known the pain of this ailment. There is a treatment that is painful but gives lasting relief. If you would like send me an email and I can give you the details. Oh and by the way I love your blog and have read most of your books.

  3. Thanks for your sympathies, Scott and Thomas. Stretching really does seem (gradually) to be helping resolve the pain — the treatment you hint at, Scott, sounds ominous, and I prefer a pretty simple approach when it comes to health care. Stretch it out, wear insoles, take a pill if I need to, and things are getting better.

  4. 3 years so far I have battled this. Hardly do any exercise any more because of it. The vast majority experience relief much faster – so I am thrilled to hear you are doing better… I hope and pray. And I am taking notes perhaps your strategy will help me as well.

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