Back In The Saddle

Yesterday’s Historical Jesus seminar went so well, and the news that my home broadband connection would be up was so welcome, that I sailed through the day on a cloud of elation. I was so buoyant that I forgot that I’d agreed to meet a nearby scholar at 5:30 (I left the building, eagerly, at about 5:15, durrr; truly sorry, Nicholas).
This morning, I caught Doc for a few seconds while he was getting ready to fly back to the USA. We reminisced about the good old days, when the wireless waves rolled free and open in the UK (where, after all, Matt Jones invented the “open wifi” warchalking symbol).
It’s overcast today (at least for the moment — clouds appear and disappear here with giddying rapidity), and my James-and-Matthew class meets from 2 to 4; we’re revising Monday’s lecture on the history of Israel, addressing a student question about messianic expectation, and going over their reading of the Pirkei Avot. Then a weekend, wherein I can browse for shirts at the local charity shops, tidy up the flat, sit and read at a coffee shop, and think about my wonderful family at their varied pursuits back in the States. Mmmmmm.

1 thought on “Back In The Saddle

  1. Hello,

    There is a Celtics vs Rangers game (soccer) coming up – I think it is the 4th of October – wangle a ticket if you can or watch it on TV. There will not be much else going on, I assure you.

    It is a spectacle; not only on the field but in the stands as well. You will learn more about Glasgow and the Glaswegians watching this game that you would in a month of Sundays.

    The game, much to the disapprobation of the ghost of John Knox, is on a Sunday and what fans there are church will be importuning the Lord for just a wee bit of help for their side; or if that can’t be had, just don’t help the other guys.

    It will be great fun, don’t miss it.

    Ed Morrow

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