Hurts Cause It’s True

I wish I could convey to you how many times I’ve made this argument (verbally, not visually) to administrators.
Venn Diagram of University Websites: What they show vs. What people want to know
“But every other university’s website looks like this!” Right — this is your chance to differentiate yourself by providing a useful site instead of a brochure site. Alas, to no avail.

8 thoughts on “Hurts Cause It’s True

  1. i just go to the “academics” tab of wherever. that’s all i ever need from U websites. if i *should* ever need anything else, it’s site map; everything else is just clutter.

  2. Oh yes, I have often gnashed teeth with frustration when looking at various uni websites, especially when I was working for an education agency and frequently needed to find contact information quickly for a variety of people across the Scottish Higher Education sector. Websites drove me bats!

  3. Yes, yes, 10,000 times yes!!!! This drove me particularly nuts while I was researching various doctoral programs a few years ago and wanted to, you know, find out information about the faculty and program.

  4. You are dealing with a university bureaucracy and some computer technicians… Sorry, mate, the odds are stacked high against you.

  5. Holger, you left out what our Uni calls “Corporate Communications,” the most obdurate impediment of all!

  6. I find that many church websites are the same way. The address, phone number, and worship times should be easy to find, not buried away under multiple tabs. You’d think we didn’t want anyone to contact us!

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