I don’t blog as much as I used to, partly because the community of readers/writers has largely shifted over to Facebook and Twitter (we’ll stipulate some wailing and gnashing of teeth about what’s wrong with that picture), but partly because I’ve used up a lot of the passion that used to go into my posts about what’s wrong with copyright, how higher education should re-situate itself relative to digital media, ways of thinking through hermeneutical issues, the future of the Anglican communion, and so on — and I have no particular taste for repeating myself ad infinitum. That distaste is compounded when it seems as though I was right when I first wrote about a topic, that my premise has gradually become common knowledge apart from me, and that what’s left for me to write about is mostly unbecoming “I told you so, why don’t you give me credit” laments. (I’m reading some material just now that represents arguments that I made twenty years ago, now as someone else’s innovative discovery, so I’m feeling more than ordinarily cranky. No, I will not name names.)
So, all that being said, here are some more links that point to things wrong with copyright and media in the current environment — Inside Higher Education on classrooms and copyright, George Monbiot on the academic publishing industry extortion racket, the Guardian on the relative health of the book-publishing industry (hat tip to Suw “Argleton” Charman — no, really, download it, buy a copy any way you can), and Mark Kermode on the film industry and why it’s not in danger as long as it can make bountiful profits on utterly mediocre films.
AKMA, as someone who has not made the move to follow to the new social cyber-scene/s, but has read every one of your blog posts since you and Trev germinated the Disseminary online, I will leave my lament here.
I am rarely on FB and long quit with Twitter. I never dared friend you on FB because that seems odd and never fit with my ‘I will only friend him/her if I have said more than “hello” in person’ policy, and I don’t think Twitter serves your gift with words well.
Thanks for the occasional post.