Yesterday, Margaret and I eased into the recommended isolation by working from home, taking care of a couple of errands (groceries and the wine shop), and by Margaret’s visiting a non-quarantined family in the college. I ran my mile and later said Mass, and we watched some Doctor Who in the evening.
Beginning today, we’re going to be observing a tighter pattern of restrictions: no visiting, sad to say, and tighter limits on errands (no wine shop). We’re below the somewhat arbitrary 70-year marker for extra concern, and we both feel very sturdy (Margaret has some allergies, but she always has seasonal allergies this time of year), but we are in no hurry to court infection or burden the NHS.
I did run my morning mile today: 5°, with drizzle and breezes making the air extra chilly, and a time of 10:17 (slightly shorter course, with more warm-up — that’s the big difference between running directly from our doorstep and running after I’ve gone retrograde around the block).