Yesterday went somewhat more gently for us. Margaret is working on a jigsaw puzzle on loan from our neighbours, I sent off the EBR entry-ette, I worked on cultivating my capacity to read for longer intervals; I did some odds and ends tidying-up of my laptop directory, and succumbed to the usual stress-browsing of the Web. Margaret took a long afternoon walk up into South Park, around the margin of Brookes Uni, and back down to James Street. In the evening, we finished watching our current television series.
We got word last night that my cousin and her husband are among the New Yorkers who are being treated for COVID-19; we’re awaiting test results for both, but the medical staff are evidently handling them as though they’re likely to be infected. So, they have that in common with Prince Charles, I suppose.
My run this morning was once again overshadowed by the %$^*#£ cold morning weather — 0° again. I could open up for a few paces twice during the run, but that just triggered my body to pull in tighter. Breathing was fine, though the icy air was prickly in my lungs. 10:07.