Honestly, one day I will skip my morning run. It’s not as though I enjoy it; it’s just become part of how my day begins, and does help me understand myself to be taking care of my body (along with, marginally, eating more deliberately).
This was not that morning. Woke up, pulled myself together, warmed up, ran my mile in the 7° breezes (felt chillier than that), and got home in 9:47. My joints were rusty and resistant at first, but the whole mile went smoothly. Still deliberating about a possible longer route.
After Morning Prayer and breakfast, I spent the morning reading Newman and browsing the web, alternately. The Web, of course, won out, largely because of the Times’s publication of its article on how the Conservative government squandered 38 days of warnings about the coronavirus pandemic.
We went to Mass at All Saints, Margaret Street at noon, before lunch. Margaret had prayed the Office at St Martin’s Ruislip earlier in the morning, as is her wont.
In the afternoon, I noticed that Fr Los the Skald applied D&D 5E rules on the range of a Blessing spell to on-going headaches about online sacramentality. This reminded me of my ‘Digital Benediction’ paper from 2003, where I used the same reference source except the original AD&D edition (cause I faded out of D&D in the early eighties). I wanted to dig up the link to add to the Twitter thread, but as it turns out, I did not post the text of that paper online.KipLog blogs about the conference, but doesn’t describe my paper, though I’m in a couple of the photos. (I did resuscitate some of my own pages from the Digital Genres conference, but no notes on my talk.) [Anne Galloway observed ‘AKMA pointed out that our identities are always already constituted non-substantially; this is not new, we just notice it more in our ‘net practices. He spoke of “identities we type ourselves into” and asked how we might represent our physical bodies online.’] No ‘Digital Benediction’ file in my archives so far as I can tell. So that lets the air out of my planned ‘Back in olden days before you could even spell ‘benediction’… rant. And Los the Skald probably could spell ‘benediction’ in May of 2003. All of that burned some significant time, though.
I then spent more time with Newman’s biblical writings with a view to a module I’ll be teaching next year, if we’re actually teaching next year. Margaret made a splendid vegan dinner, and, of course, Spooks.