We watched Spooks late into the night, so I planned to skip my morning run; alas, I woke up early anyway, so I went ahead to run in the 6°, low pollen, creaky-limbed conditions. Came in at 9:50 (though I felt as though I’d been faster than that).
I said the Office, then cooked a hot breakfast while chatting with colleagues from the Sodality of Mary, Mother of Priests in the run-up to the Sodality Council meeting, which began with the Rosary and ran through the morning, ending with Sext. After that, I took the time to listen to a poetry reading given by Kei Miller, a former Glasgow colleague who’s now at Exeter. I had heard these poems from him when we lived in Glasgow, and it was deeply satisfying to hear him read once again. I downloaded the podcast and sliced the file into the nine individual files that I then uploaded into my music directory.
I had been trying on and off throughout the day to download the 1.0 release of Inkscape, the FOSS vector drawing app — I’ve been teetering from one small-market drawing app to another for years now, so I’m excited to have access to the full-on release of Inkscape.
In between, and at the end of the afternoon, I launched again into revising and expanding the outline of my current project.
Margaret cooked stuffed peppers for dinner, and we watched 21 Bridges, which we found an acceptable way to pass 90 minutes, though not without a number of plot holes and gross unrealisms. At the end of the day, we took time to remember our dear friend Phil Kenneson’s sister-in-law as he and his family and friends were praying together.