Been a Couple of Days

A couple of days of radio silence here — first, because Easter Sunday was as busy as usual, and then as relaxing as possible. Then, because my sister Holly died yesterday morning, and I’ve been by turns paralysed and wobbly as that sank in. So I’m trying to recharge from the spiritual drain of Holy Week preparations and services at the same time that I’m feeling emotionally drained with bereavement.

Not that anyone attends to trivia at such times, I did run my miles yesterday and today, though not on Easter. I had an early service Sunday and didn’t have time to squeeze in a run, shower, cup of coffee, and much-needed sermon fine-tuning before the 8:00 service (had to arrive early to bless the bell0ringers). Paces were gentle to the point of being sluggish for the days I have run. Give us some warmer weather and less spiritual stress, and I’ll pick up the pace.