Walk On

Or ‘run’, as I’ve done for both of the last two days. Yesterday I had a hot breakfast, went out to bless a parishioner’s new home, came home to do some garden work, catch up on some email, listen to Cornel West’s second Gifford Lecture, walk the dogs, message back and forth with Margaret, pick up some groceries, and wind up the day. Today I had a fruit breakfast, went to Trinity Sunday Mass at St Michael’s, socialised with congregants, came home to send some church emails, caught up with Margaret and sent her photos of slug damage to our garden, walk the dogs (we did the whole Ock River Walk, which was pleasant apart from the rain and mud) (and Flora’s dire dread of flowing water), reach a resting point with Margaret, and now will try to squeeze in reading a whole book ms and refereeing it, my last such task (as I’m retiring from the Editorial Board).

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