And Now For More of the Same…

We did well at the Mayor’s pub quiz at the Crown & Thistle; no sport questions and most of the music questions involved music that did well in the US (and also, little to no house/club music); we finished toward the middle of the pack, perhaps the upper middle. Yesterday, two miles in the morning, then a good Mass, then I scuttled to the King’s Head & Bell to enjoy a hearty lunch with Rosie, Brendan, and especially Edith (who is way more articulate than last time I saw her). Then bounced back to St Helen’s for the Epiphany Readings and Music followed by our annual Epiphany Tea. At the end of the Tea, I staggered home and curled up in a quivering bundle of exhaustion.

Two more miles this morning, and as I ran I thought that it was time to begin clocking my runs again (see what I did there?). I haven’t felt any progress over the past couple of years; I imagine that my determination that ‘just the running itself is the point’ — true as it is — was letting me slouch through tepid efforts without much progressive benefit. I’ll feel free to give myself untimed days now and then, but I anticipate timing my runs once again beginning tomorrow (and reporting to you, inquiring reader, after a few days).

Meanwhile, I’m nearing the bottom of my cup of coffee, I’ll shower and go to Morning Prayer, then a meeting at church, then home, then I’ll offer a Home Communion at Fr Keith’s flat, then home again…

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