Speaking of Improbability

I was given to understand that the odds of winning a free iTune were one in three, and the odds of winning a free bottle of soda were one in six — but I’ve gotten something like six consecutive “free soda” caps, and only a couple of free tunes since the promotion began.

I don’t want your soda, I want the [more probable] music!

7 thoughts on “Speaking of <a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A387678 ">Improbability</a>

  1. I got swindled with a “buy one get one free.” I only buy the Diet Pepsi because they don’t have Diet Coke anymore. 🙁

  2. Ironically, I received one on Friday for a free tune and thought, “what a waste!” — I wanted a free soda. Too bad I threw it away or we could have made a trade.

  3. So I gather you haven’t resorted to the strategy of holding the soda bottle at such an angle that you can read what’s under the cap in the reflection on the surface of the soda?

    Even that option doesn’t tempt me, as I prefer Diet Coke to any Pepsi drink, and individual bottles of soda are usually at least 99 cents (the price of a song on iTunes), aren’t they?


  4. Phooey! Yes, James, I’ll be down in a minute or two. And I’ll offer you my future “buy one get one free” bottle caps.

    No, Sarah, I try to play the game fair and square. Plus, our sodas come from a machine here at work, so although I could cheat at the market, I’m protected from temptation at Seabury.

  5. I’m with Dylan.

    Pepsi created the rules of the game. They choose to not fill the bottle completely, therefore they have left open this option and made it a part of the rule book. This is no more cheating than a good hard slide in to second base to break up a double-play.


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