Today was a catch-up day for responding to email, and when I caught up with enough email for one day it was “make some headway on the Polycarp project” day, which is a lot more fun. If I still owe you an email, (a) your message may have gotten caught in one or another spam filter, or (b) I’ll get to you soon.
The Lego (R) Early Church History project is a blast; Pippa and I composed and shot our whole life-of-Polycarp sequence. The edited photos are online at Flickr; I’ll add captions and dialogue later. The arrest and martyrdom photos will go up soon, perhaps as early as tomorrow, though I have to buckle down and finish off some grading before Margaret and I head out on our anniversary trip.
Yes, we’re taking a honeymoon to celebrate our twenty-third anniversary, and Margaret’s first year of doctoral work. The twenty-third anniversary (this is a little-known fact) is the “Accordion Anniversary,” so we’re heading to Accordion City for a long weekend of hotel room, wifi, and. . . well, what else would we need? I guess we’ll go out for coffee and tea, but really? Anyway, I have to break the back of my spring-term grading before we leave, and I have another of Seabury’s trademark all-day faculty meetings tomorrow, so grading will probably edge out the arrest and death of St. Polycarp. That’ll come soon, though, I promise; this is too much fun to put off indefinitely.
Are you taking requests? Because I just have to see a Lego Simeon Stylites.
I won’t ask for Origen, though. 🙂
I noted a curious prevalence of yellow jaundice among the people of this time. Very strange.
Both Stylites and Origen are among the “Coming Attractions,” time and Lego collection permitting.
Linked as part of my morning run-down.
Oh my…hope you do Iraneus, the old dog…